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March 03, 2024 - BY amel alenazi

Protecting Workers' Rights: Article 60 of the Saudi Labor Law

Article 60 of the Saudi Labor Law is a crucial point ensuring the rights of workers and safeguarding them against any encroachments that might occur in the workplace environment. This article stipulates that it is not permissible to assign a worker to perform fundamentally different work from what was agreed upon without their written consent, unless it is necessary due to exceptional circumstances, provided that the duration of this assignment does not exceed thirty days per year.

This article aims to strike a balance between the interests of the employer and the rights of the worker, curtailing the exploitation of workers and preventing them from being compelled to undertake tasks they did not agree to previously. It serves as a means to protect workers from arbitrary actions and ensures the stability of the relationship between the worker and the employer.

Moreover, this article reinforces the concept of justice in the workplace environment by respecting the labor agreements reached between the parties, with deviations only allowed in specific and necessary circumstances. This guarantees the stability of labor relations and reduces tensions and legal conflicts.

Furthermore, this article reflects the significant attention that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia pays to workers' rights and the development of a suitable work environment that encourages productivity and innovation while fostering trust between the parties involved.

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