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February 11, 2024 - BY amel alenazi

Causes of exclusion from social insurance and the procedure followed

The work requires security and stability, and for this reason, companies implement policies related to social insurance and exclusion procedures in certain cases. These exclusions may include several reasons, which vary depending on the circumstances and local laws. Let's take a look at some common reasons for exclusion from social insurance and the procedures followed in each case:

1- Resignation:

  • Reason: The employee submits their resignation officially.
  • Procedure: Submitting an official letter or sending an email containing the resignation to the employer.

2- Termination under Article 77:

  • Reason: Termination of the employee's contract without just cause.
  • Procedure: Terminating the contract with sending an official letter to the employee explaining   the reason for termination.

3- Resignation under Article 77:

  •  Reason: Employee resigns as per the fixed-term contract.
  • Procedure: Submitting resignation without employer's consent and bearing appropriate compensation.

4- End of Activity:

  • Reason: End of work activity.
  • Procedure: Sending an official letter announcing the end of activity and consequently terminating social insurance.

5- Termination of Contract Article 80:

  • Reason: Employee violates the provisions of Article 80.
  • Procedure: Conducting an official investigation and defending the employee while ensuring the validity of the charges.

6- Termination of Contract during Probation Period:

  • Reason: Either party desires to terminate the contract during the probation period.
  • Procedure: Sending an official letter announcing the termination with clarification of reasons.

7- Reaching Retirement Age:

  • Reason: Employee reaches retirement age.
  • Procedure: Terminating the work relationship and providing appropriate social insurance.

8- End of Contract and Non-Renewal:

  • Reason: Either party does not wish to renew the contract.
  • Procedure: Sending an official letter announcing non-renewal with explanation of reasons.

9- End of Contract and Non-Renewal by Mutual Agreement:

  • Reason: Mutual agreement between the parties to terminate the relationship amicably.
  • Procedure: Having a letter confirming the agreement and officially ending the work relationship.

In summary, companies and employees must adhere to the specified procedures according to the laws and regulations applicable in each country, as this helps in organizing employment relationships and ensuring the rights of all parties involved.