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September 26, 2023 - BY Admin

Reviewing establishment data using the commercial registration number

The Saudi Business Center has introduced a new service that allows establishments to review certain information related to their commercial record through its affiliated business platform. This service aims to empower users to access important data about their establishments, such as the company's scope, Saudization percentage, and even enable them to print insurance certificates, providing significant benefits and ease of access to beneficiaries.


Some of the key data that can be accessed through the platform includes:


1.       Establishment data at the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development:


·       Total number of employees.

·       Total number of Saudi employees.

·       Total number of foreign employees.

·       Issued work permits.

·       Expired work permits.

·       Company scope.

·       Saudization percentage.

2.       Establishment data at the Social Insurance:

·       Total number of subscribers.

·       Number of Saudi subscribers.

·       Number of non-Saudi subscribers.

·       Number of registration numbers linked to the establishment.

·       Total financial obligations.

·       Total contributions.

·       Overview of contributions.

·       Compliance status.

·       Printing of insurance certificates (compliance).

3.       Establishment data on "Baladi" platform:

·       Review of commercial licenses (municipal licenses) linked to the commercial record.

·       License status.

·       Expiry date.

·       Printing of the QR code.

·       Printing of the commercial license.

4.       Online store evaluation.

5.       Review of violations related to the commercial record (Efaa) .

To benefit from this service, you can log in through the provided link, then select your commercial records and click on View and Manage the Record.

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