The articles that protect workers' rights and regulate their relationship with employers are of paramount importance in any labor system. Among these crucial articles is Paragraph 71 of the Saudi Labor Law, which mandates specific procedures before imposing any disciplinary penalty on an employee.
Saudi Arabia allows employers to impose disciplinary sanctions on employees for infractions, provided that strict procedures are followed before imposing any penalty. These procedures include written notification to the employee of the charges and conducting a written interrogation to investigate the employee's defense, with the findings documented in the employee's file.
One positive aspect of this system is the protection and affirmation of workers' رrights. It grants employees the opportunity to defend themselves and present any evidence or testimonials supporting their case before any action is taken against them. Additionally, this approach allows for oral interrogations in minor cases, speeding up the process and addressing minor infractions without lengthy procedures.
It is worth noting that this approach upholds the principles of justice and equality between the worker and the employer, ensuring fair treatment of employees in accordance with the legal procedures, without subjecting them to injustice or exploitation.
Therefore, Article 71 of the Saudi Labor Law reflects a strong commitment to the application of justice and the protection of workers' rights. It emphasizes the necessity of following the specified legal procedures before imposing any disciplinary penalty on the worker, enhancing credibility and transparency in labor relations and fostering trust between workers and employers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.